It's pong. But with space. And a bug that allows you to score infinitely.



W and S keys to control the left paddle, Up and Down arrows to control the right.

Press R to restart, or to skip the game over screen.

Highly recommend you play in fullscreen

The ball can get stuck on the paddle but you can move it away from the ball to continue the game.


All game art belongs to me. The concept of pong does not belong to me. (literally my first complete game i'm just uploading this for fun)

Updated 15 days ago
Published 21 days ago
Made withGameMaker
Tags2D, Pixel Art, play-in-browser, pong, Space

Development log


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I love the art but would like to see a score and an end screen if that is possible. Just so you know the ball can get stuck at the top of the paddle (probably a clipping glitch). One question what game engine is this, or did you do it in just a language? This is a great 1st game and I hope you make many more in the future.

(6 edits)

Thank you very much! There is a score counter in the corner but I'll work on making it bigger/more noticeable. Will work on adding a game over screen as well.

I do know the ball can get stuck on the paddle but I thought it was kinda funny to see the score number go up so fast so I left it in lol. I can see about a version where that's fixed though!

Also I made it in GMS2 ^^